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What is Spectre Token?

Spectre token is the in game currency of Zombie Spectre. Players can use the Spectre token to purchase weapons and ammo in game as well as various other consumables.

At the moment, players are limited to using their tokens in game. However, 528 Games will be releasing a token swap feature that will allow players to swap their in game tokens with the $SPECZ governance token on the Fantom network.

Token holders will be able to vote on new features of the game. Players are free to do whatever they wish with their tokens. Trade them on exchanges, use them to vote on new features, stake them for rewards or burn them in game to purchase ammo and weapons.

All existing players will be able to swap their in game tokens 1:1 for the SPECZ token on Spooky Swap. No new version of Zombie Spectre is required. The only requirement will be that players must be signed in with Google or Apple play services such that we can retrieve your in game balances.

Last updated